Most of the firms rely upon Stock Exchange for trade information. They extract information related to latest price from the related web pages. This sample demonstrates the use of IVR to announce the latest stock price by extracting data via web scraping. Since the information in the website is subject to change depending on the market conditions, user should perform HTML parsing updations at regular intervals.
Download the evaluation version of Xtend IVR and install the telephony application in your system. Run the sample script from the Script Editor. Click here to refer the code.
The automated attendant will work as given below:
MAIN: display "Waiting for call . . ." answer 1 play "welcome.wav" wait 0 play "music.wav" play "music.wav" play "music.wav" $stat = http("") clear if $stat != 1 play "error.wav" goto MAIN endif $count = 0 $str = $ while TRUE $index = find($str,"EqLCCmpDesc.jsp") if $index == -1 if $count == 0 log "The html report format has been changed. Please rework your parsing routines" play "down.wav" goto BYE else break endif endif $index += len("EqLCCmpDesc.jsp") $str = mid($str,$index) $index = find($str,>") if $index == -1 log "The html report format has been changed. Please rework your parsing routines" play "down.wav" goto BYE endif $index += len(">") $str = mid($str,$index) $index = find($str,"</A>") if $index == -1 log "The html report format has been changed. Please rework your parsing routines" play "down.wav" goto BYE endif $var = format("$company.%d",$count) $$var = mid($str,0,$index) $index += len("</A>") $str = mid($str,$index) $index = find($str,'"value">') if $index == -1 log "The html report format has been changed. Please rework your parsing routines" play "down.wav" goto BYE endif $index += len('"value">') $str = mid($str,$index) $index = find($str,"</TD>") if $index == -1 log "The html report format has been changed. Please rework your parsing routines" play "down.wav" goto BYE endif $var = format("$LastSale.%d",$count) $$var = mid($str,0,$index) $index += len("</TD>") $str = mid($str,$index) $index = find($str,"<IMG") if $index == -1 log "The html report format has been changed. Please rework your parsing routines" play "down.wav" goto BYE endif $temp = mid($str,0,$index) $flag = "" $os = find($temp,'"up">') if $os != -1 $os += len('"up">') $flag = "+" else $os = find($temp,'"down">') if $os != -1 $os += len('"down">') $flag = "-" endif endif $temp = mid($temp,$os) $var = format("$NetChange.%d",$count) $$var = format("%c%s",$flag,$temp) $var1 = format("$company.%d",$count) speak "Company, " speak $$var1 $var2 = format("$LastSale.%d",$count) speak "Last Sale " speak $$var2 $var3 = format("$NetChange.%d",$count) speak "Net Change " speak $$var3 $trace = concat($$var1,". Last Sale=",$$var2,". Net change=",$$var3) display $trace play "silence.wav" wait 0 $count += 1 endwhile BYE: play "thank.wav" hangup goto MAIN ONHANGUP: hangup goto MAIN ONSYSTEMERROR: log $error display $error hangup goto MAIN