Online IVR Tutorial
Command-line Utilities

Xtend IVR supports certain utility programs. These programs are used to operate Xtend IVR from the Command Prompt. These are as follows:

  1. xivrcmd.exe: This utility program is used to operate Xtend IVR Standard Edition from the Command Prompt.

       Syntax: xivrcmd [/option] <Parameters>

       [/option] is an optional argument with the following parameters:

    /devices /isloaded /restart /enable /disable /shutdown /startup
    This argument displays all the channels of the specified driver. Tells whether Xtend IVR is working or not. Restarts the Xtend IVR toolkit. Enables the Xtend IVR toolkit. Disables the Xtend IVR toolkit. Exits from the Xtend IVR toolkit. Starts the Xtend IVR toolkit.

        <Parameters> refers to the device driver installed in Xtend IVR runtime.

  2. xic.exe: This utility program compiles the Script files present in Xtend IVR Script Editor from the Command Prompt.

       Syntax: xic <filename.dt>

       Example: xic code.dt
       This command debugs the script file "code.dt" for errors, if any and generates the compiled file as "code.dtx".

  3. xivrcfg.exe: This utility program is used to invoke the Xtend IVR Configuration Window from the Command Prompt.

  4. xivrd.exe: This utility program is used to invoke the Xtend IVR Developer Edition from the Command Prompt.

  5. xe.exe: This utility program is used to invoke the Xtend IVR Script Editor from the Command Prompt.

  6. xivr.exe: This utility program is used to invoke the Xtend IVR Standard Edition from the Command Prompt.

  7. encwav.exe: This utility program is used for the encryption of wave files using password.

      Syntax: encwav <Type> <Password> <Filename>
    		Type  			= 	xor / blowfish [default = blowfish]
    		Password   		= 	Encryption password
    		Filename   		= 	Wave filename or wildcards
  8. xivrwizard.exe: This utility program is used to invoke the Xtend IVR New Project Window from the Command Prompt.

  9. xivrsvc.exe:This utility program allows Xtend IVR to run as a service.

       Syntax: xivrsvc[/option]

       [/option] is an optional argument with the following parameters:

    /install This argument helps to install the service.
    /remove This argument helps to remove the service.