Online IVR Tutorial
 Handling Wave Files

When preparing applications, a developer will often come across numbers especially to make numeric announcements including date, currency, time, digits and numbers. Xtend IVR facilitates digit handling and their play back a bit more easier with Number-to-Speech plugins.

However, there are some points to be kept in mind while working with WAVE files. These are discussed below.

  1. Multiple wave files delimited by a space may be specified as arguments with the Play command.
  2. All Number-to-Speech plugins return a string containing multiple wave files separated by a space.
  3. All wave plugins dynamically create and return the wave file names.
  4. The conventions to name a wave file in English are as follows:
  5. Similarly, we name the Hindi wave files, in that, we specify Hin in place of Eng such as HinSre49.wav, HinSre_Feb.wav and so on.

Thus, we have 100 wave files for numbers from 0 to 99 with a conclusive accent, like engsam0.wav to engsam99.wav and another 100 wave files to represent the same in a continuous tone, like engsam_0.wav to engsam_99.wav. Also, we keep two wave files for each of the following numbers:

In case of announcing numbers in Hindi, we save the files as

Xtend IVR supports another 12 wave files to express the 12 months of a year such as _jan.wav, _feb.wav, _mar.wav and so on. We follow the same names in both Hindi and English languages. The currency files supported right now include:

Coming to Hindi language, the same would be in

A set of waves auxiliary to time plugins consists of the following wave files in English.

For Hindi speaking linguistic regions, we can save the wave files in the following names.

In addition to the above mentioned waves, some miscellaneous waves are also necessary for Number-to-Speech plugins to function properly. They are:

Auxiliary wave files that are of use in Hindi speech are: